Choose the type of the plant

Choose the capacity of Mustang plant
Cost of a ton of bitumen
Cost of a ton of sand
Cost of a ton of crushed stone
Cost of a tone of mineral powder
Cost of diesel fuel
Fuel consumption per 1 ton of asphalt
Cost of electricity
Electricity consumption per 1 tone of hot asphalt
Quantity of working days per month
Quantity of 8-hour shifts per day
Number of hours per shift
Selling price of asphalt
Chief wage
Chief wage
Workers wage
Workers wage
Engineer wage
Engineer wage
Driver wage
Driver wage
Site rental cost per month
Investment expenditures
Cost of the pant including installation supervision
Cost of foundation
Choose the capacity of Mustang plant
Cost of a ton of bitumen
Cost of a ton of sand
Cost of a ton of crushed stone
Cost of a tone of mineral powder
Cost of diesel fuel
Fuel consumption per 1 ton of asphalt
Cost of electricity
Electricity consumption per 1 tone of hot asphalt
Quantity of working days per month
Quantity of 8-hour shifts per day
Number of hours per shift
Selling price of asphalt
Chief wage
Chief wage
Workers wage
Workers wage
Engineer wage
Engineer wage
Driver wage
Driver wage
Site rental cost per month
Investment expenditures
Cost of the pant including installation supervision
Cost of foundation
Choose the capacity of Mustang plant
Cost of a ton of bitumen
Cost of a ton of sand
Cost of a ton of crushed stone
Cost of a tone of mineral powder
Cost of diesel fuel
Fuel consumption per 1 ton of asphalt
Cost of electricity
Electricity consumption per 1 tone of hot asphalt
Quantity of working days per month
Quantity of 8-hour shifts per day
Number of hours per shift
Selling price of asphalt
Chief wage
Chief wage
Workers wage
Workers wage
Engineer wage
Engineer wage
Driver wage
Driver wage
Site rental cost per month
Investment expenditures
Cost of the pant including installation supervision
Cost of foundation
Choose the capacity of Mustang plant
Cost of a ton of bitumen
Cost of a ton of sand
Cost of a ton of crushed stone
Cost of a tone of mineral powder
Cost of diesel fuel
Fuel consumption per 1 ton of asphalt
Cost of electricity
Electricity consumption per 1 tone of hot asphalt
Quantity of working days per month
Quantity of 8-hour shifts per day
Number of hours per shift
Selling price of asphalt
Chief wage
Chief wage
Workers wage
Workers wage
Engineer wage
Engineer wage
Driver wage
Driver wage
Site rental cost per month
Investment expenditures
Cost of the pant including installation supervision
Cost of foundation
Choose the capacity of Mustang plant
Cost of a ton of bitumen
Cost of a ton of sand
Cost of a ton of crushed stone
Cost of a tone of mineral powder
Cost of diesel fuel
Fuel consumption per 1 ton of asphalt
Cost of electricity
Electricity consumption per 1 tone of hot asphalt
Quantity of working days per month
Quantity of 8-hour shifts per day
Number of hours per shift
Selling price of asphalt
Chief wage
Chief wage
Workers wage
Workers wage
Engineer wage
Engineer wage
Driver wage
Driver wage
Site rental cost per month
Investment expenditures
Cost of the pant including installation supervision
Cost of foundation